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中3英語ハイグレードクラス プレゼンテーションコンテスト
①What Can We Learn from the Past to Make a Better World? より良い世界を作るために私たちが過去から学べること。
②Toyohashi Revival Plan / What can we do to make Toyohashi more attractive? 豊橋復活プラン / 豊橋を魅力的にするために私たちにできること。
③What Would Japan Be Like in 2050?
優勝 吉浪緋萌里
“What Can We Learn from Disney Princess”
2位 山田 千葡
“Aiming for a Higher Ranking”
3位 河合 美祈
“Toyohashi Revival Plan
On Thursday, February 8, a “Presentation Contest” was held for the 3rd grade English High Grade class. Students are given three topics in advance before the winter break begins.
These are the topics:
1) What Can We Learn from the Past to Make a Better World?
2) What can we do to make Toyohashi more attractive?
3) What Would Japan Be Like in 2050?
During the third semester, they worked on the draft and slides based on the research. Each student is required to give a presentation of at least 5 minutes and to make at least 20 slides. It is a very tough task, but each student gave a unique presentation this year. After the presentations were over, the judges asked questions in English about the content of the presentations, but they managed to complete the task.
The results of the judging were as follows. All the students gave excellent presentations, making use of the English skills they have developed over the past three years. The presentation contest, which was the culmination of the high-grade classes, was a great success.
Winner Himeri Yoshinami
“What Can We Learn from Disney Princess”
Second Place Chiho Yamada
“Aiming for a Higher Ranking”
Third place: Minori Kawai
“Toyohashi Revival Plan”