


ニュージーランド説明会 ~ Kia Ora, Mr. Rodney Stewart~

 今回の説明会では、桜丘とKVCの姉妹校協定と合わせて、KVCでの学校生活やニュージーランドの事についても教えていただきました。数学や英語の授業に加えて、「アーバン・ファーム」と呼ばれるKVCが管理している農園で、養蜂や、養鶏を行っているそうです。教室の中だけでなく、教室外でも学びの場があることに生徒はとても驚いている様子でした。また、英語の授業に関しても、いわゆる「アクティブラーニング」を取り入れており、グループワークなどを通して楽しく主体的に英語を学習しているそうです。説明会の最後では、ロドニー先生からニュージーランドのお菓子のプレゼント。生徒一人ひとりがロドニー先生に、マオリ語で「ありがとう」を意味する「Kia Ora」を言い、お菓子をいただきました。
(文責:国際交流部 竹之越)
Kia Ora, Mr. Rodney Stewart!
On September 16th, Mr. Rodney Stewart came to Sakuragaoka from Kaikorai Valley College (hereinafter referred to as KVC) to talk about New Zealand, KVC, and KVC’s long-standing relationship with Sakuragaoka. A total of 34 Sakuragaoka students participated in his talk.
KVC, located in Dunedin, New Zealand, is a sister school of Sakuragaoka, and our relationship has been in existence for more than 30 years. Since the beginning of our partnership, more than 50 faculty members and students of Sakuragaoka have visited KVC.
During the talk, Mr. Stewart illustrated different aspects of KVC, including their broad curriculum, exchange program, and campus life. He mentioned that KVC has their own “Urban Farm,” which provides the students with hands-on experience in farming, animal husbandry, agribusiness, and more. The students who participated seemed to be astonished that their learning environment at KVC is not limited to classrooms. In addition to the aforementioned outside learning experience at KVC, he stated that English teachers working at KVC utilize many group activities, which make the classes more interactive. Exchange students participate in the classes proactively and can enjoy learning English there. He also touched upon Māori, which is spoken in New Zealand. At the end of the talk, Mr. Stewart gave each student a Whittaker’s Chocolate, which is popular in New Zealand. When given the chocolate, the students said, “Kia Ora!” meaning “Thank you” in Māori, to express their gratitude to his talk and the souvenir.
Due to COVID-19, it has become difficult to study abroad and experience different culture. After the talk, many students displayed their excitement for the study abroad program and said that they would like to visit KVC. We hope for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, and would like many Sakuragaoka students to take part in the program. Kia Ora, Mr. Rodney Stewart.
(Masato Takenokoshi)